How to cancel a Bizum payment

How to cancel a Bizum

If you have made a payment through Bizum and you have made a mistake, here we will tell you how you can try to resolve it and the options for success.

pedometer how it works

How does a pedometer work?

If you want to know how a pedometer works on Android and the best apps of this type, we will tell you everything in this guide.

What is an Android 'cook'?

The term 'cook' is used in the Android development environment, to refer to those who make custom smartphone ROMs.

What are Google Apps?

What are Google Apps or GAPPS for Android mobile devices and why these packages are essential for custom ROMs.

What is a launcher?

What is a launcher on Android mobile devices and what are the advantages and disadvantages of its installation on our mobile.


What is bloatware?

What is bloatware or useless software on Android mobile devices, both smartphones and tablets, and why does it exist.

What is Android One?

What is Android One, what are its advantages and disadvantages and how it differs from Android Stock or versions customized by the manufacturer.


What is LineageOS?

What is LineageOS? We tell you all about the popular LineageOS fork. What it is, where it comes from, and why you should choose it over other forks.

What is an Android fork?

What is an Android fork and what are its advantages and disadvantages. ROMs, Custom ROMs, Fork, Android and Android Open Source Project (AOSP).