How to backup WhatsApp?

How to backup WhatsApp

WhatsApp has a feature that allows you to make a backup to back up all the conversations and files that are shared through the account. It is quite useful if you do not want to lose any data from the chats you have generated during all this time.

An important aspect about WhatsApp backups is that they can be stored both on the internal memory of the mobile phone like in Google DriveIn any case, we will explain the steps to follow to activate this backup in the Meta messaging app.

What is a backup and how to activate it on WhatsApp?

Learn how to make backups on WhatsApp

WhatsApp is a platform where a lot of information is exchanged. Data goes back and forth in each chat, so having messages backed up is very useful for users. One function that allows this is by activating backups in the application.

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It is possible to store all the messages and files you have on WhatsApp. The configuration of this copy is done directly in the app and we can manage the frequency of the backup and where we want to store it.

To start with a backup on WhatsApp The first thing you need to do is enter the app and press the three dots located in the upper right corner of the screen. There you need to enter the app settings and go directly to the “chat” section.

Scroll down to the bottom of the screen where you will see the “backup” option. Enter it and configure the function by selecting the backup frequency, which can be: daily, weekly, monthly or manually by pressing the “save", within this same access route.

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Now select that you want to back up in this WhatsApp backupAs you can see, you have the option to include videos, which is quite useful if you want to preserve these files. You can also activate the backup option using mobile data. This way, if you don't have Wi-Fi and new data needs to be saved, the system will do it anyway.

Before finishing the configuration, you need to choose the most important thing and that is where the information will be stored. This is done in the section «Google account", where you must choose the backup route to Google Drive and for this you choose an email account.

Backups in WhatsApp

You should know that backups take a while to generate, but it will depend on the amount of information to be backed up. If you leave it to be stored in local memory, make sure you have enough space. Finally, it is important to note that these backups They have end-to-end encryption, very characteristic of WhatsApp.

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We invite you to Share this information so other users know how to do it and help them in this important process of backup and data security in WhatsApp.