Despite the extraordinary situation, the school year is set to begin during the month of September. The same thing happens in the university, which is presented before one of its most complicated years to face, due to the rotation and division of students by smaller classes. In any case, to face the course with the greatest guarantees, it is essential to have some at hand useful apps for college.
University students make a lot of use of mobile phones during their class and study hours, not precisely as a distraction method. Rather as a support tool, you can imagine it: do a calculation, collect information or share notes with other colleagues.
Todoist: Task list with reminders
First things first, a good organization to manage all the tasks. During the semester, the subjects have follow-up methods such as the presentation of work, exercises relationships and practices that evaluate our involvement in the matter. In addition, it is advisable to go over the topics for the final exam, and in this app we can store all that preparation.
TimeTune: Optimize Your Time
In addition to a task planner, a timer should accompany you to monitor what we dedicate to each of them. The differentiating aspect of this app is the very visual interface it has, with very colorful tones and a minimalist design. Set the time limit for each task to increase productivity.
Microsoft Office
One of the most basic tools in the career of a university student, since their research, writing and presentations are among the most acclaimed by teachers when following a subject. Therefore, this Microsoft app contains all those tools in one place, be it Word, PowerPoint and Excel.
Google documents
This app allows collaborative work between several members, creating work groups where notes, papers, exams, etc. can be stored. In addition, being in document format, they can be edited in real time, while the rest of the members can see those changes made, even offline.
Conqr - Group Universitary App
It is a multi-functional tool for collaborative work as well, although it has the presence of a large community. In this way, if we have any questions or queries, we can always go to your forum to open a thread in which you can answer both students as well as teachers. In the same way, we can publish works and projects for all this public that makes up Conqr.
I Academia.e
It is a free access library in which multiple books and research articles of professional scope are collected, in the style of Academic google. It has up to 23 million academic resources for university students, although it is also possible to connect with researchers and friends who register on the platform.
Wuolah - University Notes
One of the largest platforms in Spain and the most useful apps for the university. It is a great community where they share papers, notes, exercises and exams from all the universities in the country. All the documents are divided by each center, as each subject of the degrees has its own folder to add the files.
Notebloc Scanner - Scan Documents
To share all these documents, it is necessary to have an app that scans the pages, since paper is still the most used resource for writing. Notebloc allows you to digitally register all documents, with unlimited functions and without watermarks. You can create PDF files adapted to any size of folio, and share it to other platforms.
Squid - Take Notes
It is true that paper is the most used both when taking notes and taking exams. However, electronic devices are taking more presence in the classroom, and an example of this is this app for take notes from the mobile screen. It allows you to write with both a pen and your finger, with a notebook format that facilitates orderly writing.
Google Meet
In times of pandemic, it is and will be the most used resource to bring students and teachers together in classes and distance tutorials, as well as being a useful tool for students to study from home but together. In addition, its protection system has led many universities to establish ties with this platform.
Caffeine - Keep Screen On
We know that it is not better for the eyes, but it is one of those useful apps for the university that allows us to be awake while we study. Maintains a high brightness of the terminal screen, even though there is not much lighting in the room. In essence, it is the same feature that Lineage OS has, which it already incorporates into its software by default.