WhatsApp Plus finally says goodbye to its users

  • WhatsApp Plus is an unofficial WhatsApp application, popular for its advanced features.
  • The developer, Mounud Al Rifai, has shut down the app due to account bans by WhatsApp.
  • WhatsApp Plus accumulated more than 35 million downloads before its final closure.
  • The blocking was due to violation of terms, sharing information without consent.


WhatsApp Plus It is one of the best known applications to use WhatsApp in an “unofficial” way thanks to its incredible possibilities. Unfortunately, the creator behind this development has decided to put an end to his adventure after the recent controversies generated by WhatsApp and its blocking of those customers who used the app.

The long road traveled by WhatsApp Plus seems to have come to an end. Surely, being Android users, you would know WhatsApp Plus, the best known unofficial client of the popular WhatsApp messaging service that allowed us to perform hundreds of tasks and modify its appearance thanks to the different mods. In short, it was an app that offered everything that the official client did not - and that even "anticipated" the rumors of certain features that WhatsApp would implement in the future - but everything has come to an end after the blocking of accounts that have taken place from last night to today.

Mounud Al-Rifai, creator of WhatsApp Plus, was blocked by WhatsApp yesterday for 24 hours and today has decided, after all the complaints from users, to terminate the development of the application making all the download links available on the internet disappear and communicating it through your profile de Google+. This is also due to the fact that the developer has received a letter from the company urging to remove the links through which the famous client could be downloaded. Likewise, the WhatsPlus community of this social network has also closed, at which time Al Rifai has indicated that it will continue to develop for Android through the Android Services community.

WhatsApp Plus

The truth is that it is about a great loss, especially for those of us who were users of this service and the application, with more than 35 million downloads -The most downloaded unofficial client-. Unfortunately, this is not the first time something like this has happened since the controversies began when in November accounts that used unofficial applications under the name of WhatsApp began to be blocked.

The reason, according to the company, is that WhatsApp Plus could share users' personal information with third-party applications without express consent, thus violating the terms and conditions accepted in the contract. Could this be the real reason?

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      Anonymous said

    That is not the creator of WhatsApp plus, the creator is Rafalense and he is Spanish

      Anonymous said

    I don't know, they haven't blocked me yet and I've always had whatsap plus, but come on, I'll remove it and install the official one and that's it. Step of shit type line, telegram and programs of those that work like the ass (all tested for a week) and only make you suck data for advertising and battery

      Anonymous said

    Rather whatsapp was jealous

      Anonymous said

    The most versatile is to use one of the Jabber networks, choose the network that you want that is interconnected with the others (there are no problems to add to those of other networks), you can talk from any device, be it a web or a computer , mobile, tablet ... most clients are free and you can choose the one you like the most. People do not see the many advantages of Jabber and they like to suffer with proprietary applications and closed to their WhatsApp-style networks, just as happened with Windows messenger. If someone is encouraged to use Jabber they can add me to gonzifp@suchat.org (not an email)